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Dessert Tables 

It is recommended 3-5 desserts per person for weddings and 2-4 desserts per person for other events. Most clients opt for 4 desserts per person for weddings and 2 for other events. There are often those who eats one (or two) of everything… 

There is a 2 dozen minimum order for each type of dessert. Prices listed are per 2 dozen. 

Minimum order amount $200.


Cutting Cake: (6" round, serves 12.  Any flavor cake/frosting, basic design.  Upgrade options available): $48

Mini Cupcakes (any flavor cake/frosting): $36

Pretzel Rods (white, milk or dark chocolate): $36

Brownie Bites: $36

Sugar Cookie Bites (frosted): $36

Chocolate Covered Oreos (regular or golden w/ white chocolate): $60

Cakesicles (large cake truffles shaped like a popsicle on a popsicle stick): $84

Cake shooters (any flavor cake/frosting) includes mini plastic spoon: $90

Macarons (Standard flavor is almond.  Other flavors available upon request): $48 

Mini Cake Doughnuts (cake batter baked in doughnut shape): $48

Petite Fours: $48

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